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Month: February 2014

Finger Lakes Woodturners February 2014 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners February 2014 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners will hold our regular February club meeting on Thursday, February 20th. The meeting will be held at our normal meeting location and will begin at 6:00pm with a show and share of members work. A quick business meeting will commence at 6:45pm. Following the business meeting we will have our featured event.

This month will feature FLWT Librarian, Gary Russell with Turning a Bowl.

Probably the most iconic of all woodturning projects, the turned wooden bowl is one that everyone wants to do. Gary will show us his methods for selecting the wood, mounting and roughing the piece and then turning a finished bowl from a log section. Even if you have turned a bowl before there is always something new to learn from the process followed by others. We hope to see everyone at the meeting!