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Author: Ask Woody

Shared user role for web site administrator. At some point we may add individual user roles for each site administrator.
November 2019 Finger Lakes Woodturners Meeting

November 2019 Finger Lakes Woodturners Meeting

The next FLWT meeting will be Thursday November 21st and the demonstration will be presented by Patrick Dioguardi, Ralph Mosher’s Grandson.

Patrick will demonstrate turning a green wood bowl. This demonstration will include chucking methods used for turning green wood, shaping the outside profile of a bowl, coring out the center wood with a One Way coring jig, and turning the inside of the bowl. If time allows, a bowl from the cored out block will be turned.”

We will begin the meeting as usual by gathering between 5:30 and 6 pm for setting up the room, followed at 6 pm by Show and Share, and general discussions and interactions, and a brief business/info session. The demonstration should begin between 6:30 and 6:45.