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Tag: mosaic decoration

September 2012 Finger Lakes Woodturners Meeting

September 2012 Finger Lakes Woodturners Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners will open our 2012-2013 season at our regular September club meeting on Thursday, September 20th. The meeting will be held at our normal meeting location and will begin at 6:00pm with a show and share of members work. A quick business meeting will commence at 6:45pm. Following the business meeting we will have our featured event.

This month will feature Mosaic Decorating Turnings by FLWT member Albert Filo.

This will be a great opportunity to learn the special techniques used to make the basket-weave-like embellishments that can be seen on turnings by well-known artists like David Nittman. These techniques can be applied to all types of turnings and the demonstration by Albert will give us all the information that we need to try these techniques on your own projects. Come out and join us for an informative night to kick off our new season, enjoy the company and and learn some great new turning techniques.

Hope you can all make it!